Authlux consulting

We navigate our lives and perceive what is valuable through great stories. After 40 years of discovering, shaping and telling the stories behind the most luxurious products for the kitchen and bath market, we are passionate about the narratives that define all authentic luxury and bespoke brands. We define authentic luxury (Authlux) as products and services that possess originality, integrity, transparency and provenance. The affluent and aspiring luxury consumer is adroit, complex and evolving. If you market a premium or luxury brand, we can help you tell them your story.
[Your dilemma]

"Why is this product so expensive?"

Too often, sales and marketing professionals wince at these sorts of questions when, in fact, it's your greatest opportunity to tell a one-of-a-kind story and capture your client's imagination. Even the best sales teams or specifiers could use help communicating the value of their products and services more effectively.
[Our Solution]

Master the language of luxury.

We’ve been fortunate to have spent more than 30 years working with our family business, successfully marketing luxury options in a commodity world. We built a sales and distribution business into a trusted luxury brand and collaborated with the best retailers, designers, builders and tradespeople. We succeeded by understanding their concerns, providing consistent service and differentiating our products through the language of luxury.

Today, that vocabulary is changing. We all have to become better at communicating our value and the value of new luxury in an evolving world. We're fans of all those who market and specify great products and want to see you succeed. The Rohl Model is hungry but humble. Based in experience but open to gathering and sharing new learning. If you or your team want to tell more compelling stories about your brand or the products you market, we'd like the opportunity to work with you. 

– Greg Rohl & Lou Rohl

Service Offerings


[CEU Course]
This course presents review through the lens of language, highlighting a particular vocabulary that offers a short-hand for improving our skills in building rapport, education and imbuing value, so that clients select the best possible products and our businesses are strengthened against commodification.
“Loved the emphasis on experiences and less product based”
“One of the best educational sessions I've attended throughout my career.”
our process

How we work

If you or your business could use some help crafting a more compelling brand story, improving luxury marketing communications, and training employees to better communicate the value of the premium products, I’m here to help.

Through close collaboration, we craft a plan for your brand’s success.


We immerse ourselves in the brand and customer journey.


We articulate the essence of your business with style and substance.


You have greater confidence to sell your products without hesitation.


Succeeding As An Entrepreneur: It’s All About How You Think 

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Corporateneur Wisdom

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